Environmental protection statement

Specific measures

Energy consultation

We are now using the entire area of the hall to generate climate-friendly electricity.
Renewable energy


Konkrete Maßnahmen

Konkrete Maßnahmen

Konkrete Maßnahmen

Erneuerbare Energien

Responsible use of resources
Environmental protection and sustainability
Responsible use of resources
Environmental protection and sustainability
Environmental protection and sustainability play an important role at Kammerer. Not only have we been DIN 90001:2000-certified for many years and have EMAS environmental certification, we also use the entire area of our hall to generate climate-friendly electricity. Take a look at our environmental statement to see which specific measures we have taken for the good of the environment since 2002.
You can find further information here
Environmental protection
Specific measures
Energy consultation
Renewable energy
Environmental protection
Environmental protection statement
2002: Die Umweltschutzerklärung wird fester Bestandteil der Unternehmenspolitik von Kammerer EMAS UmweltzertifikatSpecific measures
Specific measures
In 2021, we equipped two washing areas with Biocycle. What is more, we are now using special cardboard packaging with reusable padding.Energy consultation
Energy consultation
As a result of a comprehensive energy consultation in 2017, we are optimising the production lighting across the entire company and introducing LED technology throughout. The compressors have also been modified: Their waste heat now heats the service water.Renewable energy